Friday, March 6, 2015

You're Invited ... to Classic Movie Nights!

This blog takes its name from the classic movie nights my husband (before we were married) used to organize with friends. We got to know each other a little bit better through those times, and eventually started dating. That was, of course, just a small part of what drew us together, just a small fraction of our love story. But now as we are married, and moving around alot, wherever we go we try to keep up the tradition of classic movie nights whether they are with good friends, or for just the two of us. These are nights to enjoy movies that are beautiful, movies of eras gone by.

I have been a fan of movies from the 1900s-1950s for a long time, and I wanted to create this blog to present a fan's review of what I consider some of the best movies of that time span. I know the term "classic" extends, of course, beyond these periods. But I wanted to celebrate with you, dear reader, the beauty and richness of black and white films. I hope this blog will inspire you to have some "classic movie nights"  of your own.

"There was great excitement, and great fervour, and great sense of romance and adventure. They didn't know what they were working in. They didn't know what the future would be. They didn't know what they were doing. They knew that every picture broke boundaries. Some one new thing would be done. A new way of handling the camera. A new way of cutting. A new way of lighting. And they would be so excited by it! And I think some of that simplicity, and some of that fervour and excitement is in the films. And that's why they're valuable and lovely." (Agnes De Mille)

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